Dream Shows Promising Future for IQM

Dream Shows Promising Future for IQM

THE DREAM 7.1.2021 I was at a small country church nestled in a close-knit community. The church, called Center Point, had invited me to come and watch their Bible School program. Once the program was over, a woman pointed me out. She announced that I had written The...
The Turning Point

The Turning Point

My husband and I were introduced to Camden Lee in 2017. The adorable red-headed, blue-eyed, freckled face boy was four years old. At the time, the little guy was fatherless. His mother had all ready laid his father to rest. When our son married Camden’s mother in 2018...
Underwear, Mail, and Jesus, Oh My!

Underwear, Mail, and Jesus, Oh My!

Lying awake in bed with eyes still shut, I saw an image before me held like a photo by some invisible hand. It was of a US mail dropbox. There was something very peculiar and disturbing about it. Over the drop slot was a pair of white underwear. The underwear’s...
Grace Upon Grace

Grace Upon Grace

In a dream, I was the caretaker of a funeral parlor. My friend, Leesa Nesty, was there working too. The folks coming into the parlor were not coming to pay respect to any deceased individual; they were coming for an auction. Strangely, I was wearing a black sheet. I...
Go All the Way with Jesus

Go All the Way with Jesus

A friend and I left the house with great anticipation for a great bicycle ride. Midway on our journey we encountered roadblocks and detours that took us off course and caused us to get lost. It was late afternoon when we stopped in a small town asking for directions...