School Presentations
Are you looking for a speaker who can tell the old, old story in a colorful visual way? Immanuel Quilt Ministry can deliver.
For youth today to know the Invisible God, we must introduce them to Jesus. What better way is there to introduce Jesus than through his many names?
The Immanuel Quilt is a traveling ministry quilt portraying thirty-plus Names of Jesus that tells His Story. It presents a visual picture of who God is, that He is real, and that He is indeed, Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”
Joni Wolf is the maker, author, and storyteller of the Immanuel Quilt. She presents the gospel to students in elementary through high school grades with one unique quilt. No matter the age group, the Immanuel Quilt captures the attention of its audience, stirs up intrigue, and helps students discover God is with us; alive and active, still speaking to ordinary people, doing extraordinary things.
Whether you are looking for a chapel speaker, a speaker for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a special program, a textiles class, a visual arts class, a Bible class, or your College and Career Planning classes–Joni’s message, His Story in a unique quilt, will meet your need.

Intriguing Audiences Everywhere it Goes

Sometimes…even with a puppet!

School Presentations
This is a win, win, win program! Using the Immanuel Quilt Ministry for your fundraising endeavors, your students learn to become Good News reporters, your school earns extra money, and your participation in the program helps financially support IQM to keep making Christ known. Contact Joni to learn more about the IQM fundraising program.