The Mission
Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his Name, make known among the nations what he has done. –Psalm 105:1
The Immanuel Quilt is a traveling ministry quilting that portrays Names of Jesus and tells His Story.
Hi! I’m Joni Wolf, maker, author, and storyteller of the Immanuel Quilt. Through personal testimony, Names of Jesus, and a modern-day style of parable storytelling, I present the gospel with one unique quilt. I help individuals of all ages discover that God is, indeed, Immanuel, meaning God with us.
Presentations have been described as unique, exceptional, amazing, wonderful, awesome, inspiring, extraordinary, and absolutely beautiful. The message isn’t about quilting, it’s about what God has done.
I love to tell the story! Will you let me tell it to you?

Making Christ Known
BY NAME… Each Immanuel Quilt block represents a different Name of Jesus. His Names reveal His attributes; His attributes, His glory; and His glory His presence.
BY TESTIMONY… Having been supernaturally supervised in the making of the Immanuel Quilt, Joni delivers a powerful testimony to the ways in which God speaks to ordinary people.
BY STORY… The Immanuel Quilt is a modern-day parable; a story using a common object to teach things of God just as Jesus did.

What Others Are Saying
“An awesome testimony to Gods very personal activity in the lives of his people as they are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and obedient to his call on their lives.” -Rich H.
“Joni is an incredible storyteller who delivers a powerful message. As a visual learner, I was greatly impacted.” – Jennifer H.
“An art of its own, a Bible in it own right.” -Betty L.
“What a fantastic way to teach the Word! – Mary
“A beautiful story of how God speaks to us.” – Karen
“A story everyone should hear.” – Melba L.
“A beautiful story of our awesome God!” Diane S.
“A very inspiring story!” – Marge H.
“Brought me to tears.” – Karen
“Truly divine!” – Marlene J.
Unique. Exceptional. Amazing. Wonderful.
Awesome. Inspiring. Extraordinary. Beautiful.

It’s Not About Quilting.
It’s About What God Has Done.
Intriguing Audiences Everywhere it Goes

No matter where the Immanuel Quilt travels, it intrigues people of all ages, male and female, to seek out the Invisible God. Presentations have been given for church events and corporate, youth groups and home groups, schools, private, public, and Christian, quilt clubs and civic organizations, and, at retreats, festivals, and fairs. Joni has even spoken at a biker’s church!

Sometimes…even with a puppet!
A True Story of One Ordinary Woman,
One Unique Quilt, and One Extraordinary God
God weaves His Story into the fabric of every individual’s life. He uses bits and pieces of every remnant, experience, and situation, the good and the bad, to create for us a unique story of hope to share with others. The Immanuel Quilt is a wonderful testament to God’s goodness, mercy, and amazing grace.
Podcast Interviews
God Sized Stories
Host: Craig Worrall
Journey with Janice
Host: Janice Henriquez
God Sized Stories (Part 2)
Host: Craig Worrall
Confidence in Christ
Host: Kayla Diane Yoder
Book Joni For Your Next Event