I had the most wonderful dream last night. Around 1:00 am I woke, and no longer feeling sleepy, I got up out of bed and began praying. After praying, I spent a good deal of time reading God’s Word, and then when I did return to bed, I asked God to give me a dream. He did.

In the dream, Tom and I were at what seemed like his mother’s home. Both the house we were at and his mother’s home sit close to the road. I invited my friend over to talk. Within the short time it took her to arrive, many other people had come to the house too. It was as if a surprise party had been planned, one that I knew nothing of. With no way of being able to have a private conversation my friend in the crowded and noisy house, we decided to join the party.

Many of those present were folks I recognized, but there were some I didn’t know. There was a mixture of long-time believers, new believers, and non-believers. There was someone from Nigeria present and there was even a baby at the party. One young woman, whom I did not recognize, brought a black and white ceramic skull with her and set it on a shelf.

Supernatural things began happening all through the house, the first being, the teeth on the ceramic skull started chattering. Everyone saw and stood in awe and fear, including the girl who had brought the head.

Other signs and wonders were happening in the house. Whether we turned to the right or the left, there was something supernatural taking place for us to see. The people witnessing these happenings called their friends to come and see what was going on. My friend called her daughter to come.

When her daughter arrived, she created a stage for the puppets I’ve been building and the  puppets began super-naturally performing. No one was controlling their movements or speech. Everyone was amazed.

We heard a voice say, “Come with Me.”  I recognized the Voice as the Holy Spirit. We all followed and was led to a snowy area with, what I can only inadequately describe as, a bobsled train. It was a transport vehicle with no wheels or a track but, shaped like a bobsled with a smooth bottom and open top. The bobsled units were linked together as train cars, with each one having seating for two, one seat directly behind the other. We hopped on the bobsled/train, with crowds still waiting to board.

The train-like vessel took us on an upward climb, up a snowy mountain, ascending us into what appeared to be another realm.
We got off the bobsled type train and entered a structure with intricate beautiful detail. I sensed that I was the caretaker of this wonderful place, and that by word of mouth, people were coming from all over to see it..

Somewhere in this dream, though not sure at what point, I saw that the baby at the party had removed his dirty diaper. No one could find where the dirty diaper had been placed.

God does speak in dreams. He uses symbols that we understand to get points across to us. Though I have never claimed to be a prophetic dreamer, after unpacking what I believe the symbolisms represent in this dream, I hope this dream does come to pass.

Unpacking the dream.

Surprise Party – Synonym for surprise revelation.

House close to the road – Jesus is the road to our Heavenly Father. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 We are to remain close to Jesus.

Party Goers – Long-time believers, new believers, non-believers, a Satan worshipper, and a baby. The invitation to celebration Jesus is given to everyone.

The Surprise – The Glory of the Lord showed up performing signs and wonders, and all were in fear and awe, including the Satan worshipper.

Result – When the Glory of the Lord is revealed, people see Jesus.

The Puppets – Though I am making puppets to incorporate into the Immanuel Quilt Ministry, I feel like here, there could be a deeper meaning. How many times in the last several months have we heard the news media talking about the puppet show going on in government, that there is someone behind the scenes pulling the puppets strings. In my dream, the puppets supernaturally came alive. Could it be that God is going to supernaturally cut the strings of evil puppeteers controlling speech and behavior? Could it be that people will watch in shock and awe and turn to the Lord?

The Voice – The Voice of the Holy Spirit said, “Come with Me.” Jesus has been saying the same for many years.

Train-like bobsled – It took us on an upward climb, up a snowy mountain, into another realm. Bobsleds don’t go up, they go down. We were supernaturally transported to a higher place.

Snow – In the Bible snow is considered a symbol of cleansing. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”

The ornate structure in the Heavenly realm – the Dwelling Place of God. Why would I have sensed that I was the overseer of the structure? Because, God dwells not just – in Heaven, but in the hearts of believers. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Every believer has the responsibility to take care of the Temple of God within us. How?  By confessing our sins. (John 1:19)

Removal of baby’s dirty diaper.  Psalm 103:11-12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

Dirty Diaper – Sin

Snow – God takes away our and makes as white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18)

Diaper Can’t be Found – When our sins our washed away by the blood of Christ, He remembers them no more. (Hebrews 10:17)

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD…Arise, shine for your Light has come and the Glory of the Lord rises upon you. (Habakkuk 2:24, Isaiah 60:1)