Heritage of Faith

Heritage of Faith

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.  Psalm 145:4

I have fallen behind in journaling my journey with the Immanuel Quilt. Back in May, I took the quilt to Thorntown to speak to the Hoosier Heritage Quilt Guild. Because the quilt story keeps growing, another chapter being added all the time, I now have to pick and choose what to tell. So, needing to rely on the Spirit of God for guidance, I asked, “What should I share?”

“Made with Love,” the Spirit said.

I preferred more input; however, I added the phrase to my outline and began to build upon it. Once the content was formed, I sensed there was still more God wanted me to add. I said a prayer, asking, “What else, Lord?”

While reading my Bible, the Word of God said, “Teach what
is appropriate to sound doctrine.” (Titus 2:1) 

Isn’t that what the story of the Immanuel Quilt does?

This Word from God was a warning that I choose what parts of the story to cut, not remove the sound doctrine teaching. Yet, even after receiving this good advice, I sensed something was missing, though I didn’t know what.

I prayed, asking God to reveal His thoughts to me. Days passed with no response. Finally, hours before I was to speak on the day of the event, God answered me. The missing piece was in the name of the guild.
Hoosier Heritage

Heritage is something possessed by one person and passed on to someone who follows after. It includes the values of those before us, the traditions we have experienced, and the cultures we live in.

As humans, created in the Image of God, quilters have inherited their Creator’s creative gene, and therefore, quilters can make quilts, “Made with Love.” You might have a quilt with “Made with Love” inscribed upon it, but you also have an invisible inscription placed upon you that says, “Made with Love, by Love.”

GOD IS LOVE! Quilters stitch pieces of fabric together, making beautiful quilts. God stitches us together, making us into His beautiful image. We have a Godly heritage through Christ. (Ephesians 1:11-12)

To a crowd that was larger than expected, I sat on a stool, opened up The Immanuel Quilt, and began reading His Story.

The question I posed to the quilters that night, I present to you. What heritage and legacy do you hope to pass to your children, grandchildren, and future generations? Will they only receive a quilt, or will you leave something of eternal value–a legacy of faith?

Taking the book once again, I pointed to the photo on the back cover and read the verse below it: “We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deed of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.” – Psalm 78:4 (NLT)

There is a song that sums up this message well, and though I didn’t share it that evening with the guild, I hope you will give it a listen.

Click here to listen to the entire song, Find Us Faithful.

P.S. My look-a-like puppet made her debut appearance at this event. The response was incredible. I was also surprised by the number of guests who attended because they’d heard I would be there with the Immanuel Quilt. Each of the guests, eight I believe it was, had heard me speak before but came to listen to the story again. I was even thanked for tying heritage into the message. Hearing what God has done never grows old.


An old wagon, the Immanuel Quilt, and my granddaughter, Macy. A representation of my grandmother, me, and the futures generations we are to tell about Jesus.
Meet Wolfie

Meet Wolfie

The addition of puppets to the ministry came about when my kindergarten grandson, Zane, asked me to guess what he wants to be when he grows up. He gave me a hint. He told me it was a four-letter word that begins with sh. I could have guessed all day long and not guessed, chef. It was in that moment I remember that at his age I wanted to grow up and be a puppet maker.

I needed to pursue making puppets to show him, and myself, that it is never to late to pursue your dreams.

​I finished my second puppet build, a look-alike of Zane, the grandson who inspired me to pursue my childhood dream of being a puppet maker. He was so excited when he saw the finished work; he grabbed the puppet and gave it a big hug, then hugged me. I’m not sure which of us was the happiest.

Zane’s puppet has a notepad in one hand and a pencil in the other. This is because Zane is pictured on the front of the VBS curriculum as a Good News Reporter. There are ten skits included in the curriculum. The characters: a grandma who loves telling her grandchildren about Jesus; her grandson, Wolfie, who wants to someday be a news reporter—one that only reports good news; and Macy Girl, Wolfie’s little sister.

I’m still unsure where this puppet thing is going, but God is clearly showing me that he plans to do something good with them. The Lord is placing people in my path with puppeteering experience, providing confirming words through others, and still speaking in my dreams, ensuring He is with me.

Just the other night, I had a dream in which I was pregnant. I can hear you gasping. Anyway, I was at the doctor’s office for a routine check, and he gave me a surprise. He told me the baby could arrive in a week; the due date was not near. I looked at a calendar to count ahead seven days to see what date the baby might come, it was December 25th, a Sunday. Dream over.

Launching something new, whether it is a new book, new ministry, or new business, it is referred to as like giving birth to a baby. New ventures begin with a seed of an idea, it grows, and then it morphs into a labor of love. The end joy is seeing the “baby” come to life.

A week is a measure of time, seven days. The number seven is the number representing completeness and perfection. The Bible tells us:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

The baby, the doctor said, “could arrive in a week.” Could indicates a possibility. My baby could arrive sooner than expected.

For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

December 25th marks the date in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus—Immanuel, God with us. This is an indicator the dream is not about the date; it’s about the person the date represents and the Immanuel Quilt Ministry.

Seven days out from the doctor’s visit was a Sunday. Sunday is the day Christians set aside for God to worship and sing praises, and to bring Him honor and glory due His Name.

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Psalm 96:8

Another thing about Sundays is that they mark a beginning. Each new week on the calendar, begins with Sunday. The Lord says,

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19a

God speaks to me in dreams because He knows they spur my curiosity to go and search the Scriptures for hidden things. What draws you to the Word?

Wolfie, The Good News Reporter, has this to tell: Anytime we are in God’s Word, God is pleased.

(Check out Zane’s first puppet video by click here.)

Dream Shows Promising Future for IQM

Dream Shows Promising Future for IQM

THE DREAM 7.1.2021

I was at a small country church nestled in a close-knit community. The church, called Center Point, had invited me to come and watch their Bible School program.

Once the program was over, a woman pointed me out. She announced that I had written The Good News Reporter, a VBS curriculum, adding that she hoped the church would select it for their next VBS. Grateful for her plugs, I stood to thank her and tell some of what the curriculum offers when suddenly, we heard a loud noise coming from outside. Everyone went to a window to see what it might be and what we saw was a host of low flying battle planes coming our way. The closer the aircraft came towards us, the louder and more ominous the sound became. The pastor advised we hunker down and begin praying.

While others were praying, I was holding a young child. The little person got off my lap and started entertaining the other children. The children were engrossed in watching and listening to this child. I found it uncanny that a room full of children could be so happy and calm under the circumstances.

Daylight turned to darkness, and then a fierce thunderstorm came. The pounding rain and blowing winds overtook the sound of the planes still flying overhead.

After several hours, all was quiet. Everyone went to look out the windows again. And dotted across the clear dark sky, for as far as our eye could see, were the military planes positioned like shining stars. Oddly, it brought on a peaceful state of mind, and everyone felt safe to leave the church and go home.

Heading home in the dark of night on an unfamiliar road, I came upon a detour with a signposting, Turn Here, Road Construction Ahead. Something felt off and a little amiss, so I chose to keep going, forging straight ahead.

I did come upon road construction; however, the signposting had been a half-truth. A temporary road built alongside the actual road allowed travelers to stay on course. No detour was necessary.

I woke up from my dream, knowing I would reach my destination.


I was at the church called Center Point to watch a VBS program. Believers ARE the church (Ephesians 2:21), and Christ is to be the center point of all that we think, say, and do.

The Good News Reporter, the Immanuel Quilt Ministry’s VBS curriculum, received a favorable recommendation.

I believe the military planes that were seen and heard were a host of army angels (2 Kings 6) flying in to protect us. God’s love for his people reaches as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103: 11-12). Because of this love God has for us, He sends his angels to fight the forces of darkness for us. The storm was the battle. The army of angels won.

Again, I was at the church to watch a VBS program. Searching the Bible app on my phone for every verse with the word watch, a word from the Lord given to Habakkuk spoke to me. “Watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” 

I committed the writing of the curriculum to the Lord. My hope is that Good News Reporter will help children learn the Names of Jesus, get to know the Invisible God, give their life to Christ, and become Good News Reporters. But, unfortunately, the curriculum hasn’t yet taken off.

With the recent announcement of me making puppets to use in the ministry, particularly with the VBS curriculum, I believe the young child who began entertaining the other children was–a puppet.

Time will tell whether this was a prophetic dream promising a bright future for the curriculum. But, regardless of whether it is or not, there is a good takeaway message for everyone.

God put a hope and a future inside every person before we were born. (Ephesians 2:10) He laid out the plan and has been paving the way ever since so that we might reach our destiny, to experience a fulfilled life found only through Christ. Yet, the enemy of God fights against us every step of the way. Satan wants to keep us from sharing the Good News about Jesus; that He came and died for our sins, was raised from the dead after three days, and now lives at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf. The Intercessor sends an army of angels to fight for those who trust Him.

I was traveling home on an unfamiliar road. We don’t always know the roads of our future; however, we are assured that if we follow Jesus, He will lead us safely home. The half-truths of Satan can’t steer us off course when we remain going forward on the straight and narrow road. (Proverbs 3:5-6) So, stay on course, stick with the plan, and watch what God will do.

As it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 ESV


Good News Reporter Includes:
Immanuel Quilt Hardcover Book
Immanuel Quilt 24″ x 18″ Poster
Names of Jesus PDF Bingo Game
Five Bible Story Lessons
His Story Show and Tells
Introduction to 30+ Names of Jesus
Visual Lesson Introductions
Ten Lesson Skits
Lesson Discussion Questions
Connecting Thread Comparisons
Parables, Puzzles, Riddles
And Ideas for:
Crafts, Snacks, Games, & Songs


Click on Image.
The Turning Point

The Turning Point

My husband and I were introduced to Camden Lee in 2017. The adorable red-headed, blue-eyed, freckled face boy was four years old. At the time, the little guy was fatherless. His mother had all ready laid his father to rest.

When our son married Camden’s mother in 2018 he chose to adopt Cam and officially make him his son. Proud parents we were on the day we were given this news, and on the day that Cam became our grandson.

Lauren and Cam entered a ready-made family. Macy, a few weeks older than Cam, and Zane two years younger, Cam gained instant siblings, and soon, they became the three amigos.

Tom and I hoped that Cam would accept us, but we knew it would take time. He, after all, has grandparents that have been with him and loving on him since birth. We would have to prove our love. One day spent together, just me and Cam, I saw the tide turn.

The turning point came when I took Cam for his first-ever convertible ride. We drove to the parks where TJ played as a child, and we talked. Walking a trail in Forest Park, I felt him reach for my hand, and my heart melted.

Walking hand-in-hand we came upon a book box with books and magazines inside of many genres for all ages. Cam pulled out the quilting magazine saying he knew I would like it. Together we flipped through the pages deciding which quilts were our favorites.

We didn’t bond over a conversation of the Immanuel Quilt, but we did connect over a conversation of quilts.

The cherry on top of the end of the day was when Cam said, “I don’t want to go home, I want to stay with you.”

God loves us and His plan from the very beginning, was to adopt us and make us a part of His family. He proved his love for us by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.

Tom and I hoped Camden would accept our love. On a much deeper level God wants us to accept His love. He desires to spend time with us, hold our hand, and hear us say, “I want to stay with you.”

“In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” Ephesians 1:5
Underwear, Mail, and Jesus, Oh My!

Underwear, Mail, and Jesus, Oh My!

Lying awake in bed with eyes still shut, I saw an image before me held like a photo by some invisible hand. It was of a US mail dropbox. There was something very peculiar and disturbing about it. Over the drop slot was a pair of white underwear. The underwear’s waistband stretched over the opening. There was a hand shown inserting a letter into the opening of one of the legs and in through the waistband.

Hours later, another image appeared with the same white underwear draped over a white laundry basket of dirty white clothing. One leg draped to the inside, the other to the outside.

Jesus spoke in parables, puzzles, and riddles, using familiar everyday objects to illustrate spiritual truths. (Matthew 13:34) Few things are more common and every day than underwear. And receiving a vision of such is, well, puzzling. Receiving two is downright baffling.

The Bible tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus. When something like this comes out of the blue, I consider it an invitation to gaze deeper to see if there is more than meets the eye; to see if there is some spiritual lesson in it for me to glean.

I began meditating on, yes, you guessed it—underwear.

Everyone wears underwear. We all put our underwear on the same way, one leg at a time. It’s a universal item available in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Whether it be a superhero, jockey, princess, or lace, we each have a favorite style. The underwear we choose somehow defines our personality.

Even though there are many underwear options, there is sameness to all pairs. They have a band at the top and openings for the left leg and the right. Without the elastic at the top of our undies—they fall.

We, like underwear come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. There is a uniqueness about each of us, but a sameness too. Whether we stand on the right side of an issue or the left, we are all made in the same image of God. He is the elastic at the top of our underwear that keeps us from falling.
United we stand, divided we fall.

Underwear becomes soiled and stained and must be washed to be made clean. This is true for us too. We become soiled and stained with sin, and the only thing that can wash away the sin, is the blood of Jesus. When we believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and after three days rose from the dead to give us life, He makes us white as snow. (Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Isaiah 1:18)

White represents the righteousness of Christ. Believers wear His righteousness, but repentance for our sins is ongoing. We can’t be like the imagery of the underwear with one leg in the basket ready to be washed clean, while leaving the other in the world. Repentance is as much an ongoing discipline as what doing the laundry is a never-ending task. All sin must be washed clean, not just that of one side.

Seeking Scripture for clues to my mysterious underwear imagery, I found God used underwear to reveal a similar truth in Jeremiah 13:1-11, the Christian Standard Bible.

This is what the Lord said to me: “Go and buy yourself a linen undergarment and put it on. But do not put it in water.” So, I bought underwear as the Lord instructed me and put it on.

Then the word of the Lord came to me a second time: “Take the underwear that you bought and are wearing and go at once to the Euphrates and hide it in a rocky crevice.” So, I went and hid it by the Euphrates, as the Lord commanded me.

 A long time later the Lord said to me, “Go at once to the Euphrates and get the underwear that I commanded you to hide there.”  So, I went to the Euphrates and dug up the underwear and got it from the place where I had hidden it, but it was ruined—of no use at all.

Then the word of the Lord came to me: “This is what the Lord says: Just like this I will ruin the great pride of both Judah and Jerusalem.  These evil people, who refuse to listen to me, who follow the stubbornness of their own hearts, and who have followed other gods to serve and bow in worship—they will be like this underwear, of no use at all.  Just as underwear clings to one’s waist, so I fastened the whole house of Israel and of Judah to me”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“so that they might be my people for my fame, praise, and glory, but they would not obey.

God compared himself to the waistband of a pair of underwear! Two kingdoms banded together, like a right and a left leg of a pair of underwear clinging to the waistband, until pride led them to sin and their undies got soiled.

The state of our nation and the division among us has been weighing heavily on my mind. Maybe you, like me, have wondered, “What can I do?” I believe the image with the mailbox and underwear answers this question.

Think of letters we send as a representation of our voice. We write to people because we have something we want to say, share, or request. We can use the Word of God to share the Good News about Jesus and His love.

God bound us to himself to be His people, holy and righteous for His honor and glory. How will America ever be united? Through common ordinary clean underwearing people (wearing the righteousness of Christ) delivering (US mailbox) the Good News and love of Jesus Christ.