The addition of puppets to the ministry came about when my kindergarten grandson, Zane, asked me to guess what he wants to be when he grows up. He gave me a hint. He told me it was a four-letter word that begins with sh. I could have guessed all day long and not guessed, chef. It was in that moment I remember that at his age I wanted to grow up and be a puppet maker.

I needed to pursue making puppets to show him, and myself, that it is never to late to pursue your dreams.

​I finished my second puppet build, a look-alike of Zane, the grandson who inspired me to pursue my childhood dream of being a puppet maker. He was so excited when he saw the finished work; he grabbed the puppet and gave it a big hug, then hugged me. I’m not sure which of us was the happiest.

Zane’s puppet has a notepad in one hand and a pencil in the other. This is because Zane is pictured on the front of the VBS curriculum as a Good News Reporter. There are ten skits included in the curriculum. The characters: a grandma who loves telling her grandchildren about Jesus; her grandson, Wolfie, who wants to someday be a news reporter—one that only reports good news; and Macy Girl, Wolfie’s little sister.

I’m still unsure where this puppet thing is going, but God is clearly showing me that he plans to do something good with them. The Lord is placing people in my path with puppeteering experience, providing confirming words through others, and still speaking in my dreams, ensuring He is with me.

Just the other night, I had a dream in which I was pregnant. I can hear you gasping. Anyway, I was at the doctor’s office for a routine check, and he gave me a surprise. He told me the baby could arrive in a week; the due date was not near. I looked at a calendar to count ahead seven days to see what date the baby might come, it was December 25th, a Sunday. Dream over.

Launching something new, whether it is a new book, new ministry, or new business, it is referred to as like giving birth to a baby. New ventures begin with a seed of an idea, it grows, and then it morphs into a labor of love. The end joy is seeing the “baby” come to life.

A week is a measure of time, seven days. The number seven is the number representing completeness and perfection. The Bible tells us:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

The baby, the doctor said, “could arrive in a week.” Could indicates a possibility. My baby could arrive sooner than expected.

For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

December 25th marks the date in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus—Immanuel, God with us. This is an indicator the dream is not about the date; it’s about the person the date represents and the Immanuel Quilt Ministry.

Seven days out from the doctor’s visit was a Sunday. Sunday is the day Christians set aside for God to worship and sing praises, and to bring Him honor and glory due His Name.

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Psalm 96:8

Another thing about Sundays is that they mark a beginning. Each new week on the calendar, begins with Sunday. The Lord says,

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19a

God speaks to me in dreams because He knows they spur my curiosity to go and search the Scriptures for hidden things. What draws you to the Word?

Wolfie, The Good News Reporter, has this to tell: Anytime we are in God’s Word, God is pleased.

(Check out Zane’s first puppet video by click here.)