Part Wolf

Part Wolf

Snoozing in the mid of day, I received an image of an animal that looked like nothing I have ever seen or known.  It looked to be part wolf, part hyena. The vision came, and quickly left. I woke puzzled and intrigued as to why I had received an image of such a creature. A google search returned images that mirrored, exactly, the animal as I’d seen in my dream!

The maned wolf, as it is called, is more often described as looking part wolf, part fox. It however is not wolf, fox, or hyena. It is a wolf in name only, the only kind of its species. Unlike a common wolf who travels in packs across different regions in the world, the maned wolf is a loner from Argentina and Brazil. Sharing this information on my Facebook page, I asked, “Now why did I receive a vision of this animal?”

One friend commented “The interpretation belongs to the Lord! Pray into it! God knows and he showed YOU for a reason!”

My cousin said, “Because your name is Wolf and you are from Brazil, it’s a reminder that you don’t need a pack, you can do what you need to do and spread your message all on your own! You are unique and rare, but oh so important.”
I loved my cousin’s interpretation, and I valued the advice of my friend, so I have been praying and pondering on this dream for a few weeks now, and yes, I believe we are all–part wolf.

Some cultures and religions hold onto to a belief that humans have a spirit animal that helps to guide and protect them. They believe a person holds a likeness to the characteristic traits of their spirit animal. This is a pagan belief system placing trust in the spirit of the world, not in the Spirit of God. This doesn’t, however, mean that God doesn’t use animals to teach us things.

The Book of Job tells us to ask the beasts, and they will teach us. (Job 12:7) Every creature has something to teach us if we are open and willing to learn from them. Take the ant. The ant teaches us to be diligent and hardworking, not lazy. (Proverbs 6:6) We can gain wisdom by considering the ways and characteristics of any creature made by God. God called all He created, good.

It is bothersome, for me, to accept that my name is associated with the ruler of darkness. In the Bible the wolf is portrayed as the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:1-12) Therefore, it is pleasing to learn that like the maned wolf, I am a wolf in name only. I am a wolf of a different breed.

The maned wolf is known for having keen eyesight and being excellent hearers. It is my hope and desire to have keen eyesight to see the works of the Lord and to hear His Voice.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

“Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!” Psalm 66:5

Coupling this revelation with the known traits of a common wolf, I am proud to say I am part wolf.

The common wolf leads and protects his pack. He shows no fear. Respects elders. Teaches the young. Survives each day. Hunts and defeats his enemies. Howls to a new tomorrow. Explores the unknown. Adapts to new environments. Demonstrates no weakness. Never backs down. A wolf leaves his mark!

​When our youngest son and his wife married they purchased t-shirts for the entire wedding party that say, Part Wolf. After pondering on this vision I have come to the conclusion we are all part wolf.

You have the characteristics and strengths of a wolf. You are unique, a one-of-a-kind, set apart for the glory of God. You have been given ears to hear His Voice, and eyes to see His wonders!

Still, knowing we have an enemy, a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing, it would be wise to heed the words of this old ancient tale.

One evening, an elderly Cherokee brave told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

One is EVIL. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guild, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is GOOD. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one that you feed.”


Raggedy Ann

Raggedy Ann

Still in bed, only partially awake, a name dropped into my thoughts. Raggedy Ann.

I didn’t know why the beloved ragdoll’s name came to mind, but I was certain on who placed it there. I heard a voice say, “She is still around, but people have forgotten her story.”

What story of Raggedy Ann have we forgotten?

I got out of bed and began researching her history. Raggedy Ann was created in 1915 by writer and political cartoonist, Johnny Gruelle. Gruelle’s daughter, Marcella, found a faceless rag doll in her grandmother’s attic. Gruelle drew a face on the doll, named the doll after two poems written by James Whitcomb Riley; The Raggedy Man and Little Orphant Annie, and that was the beginning of Raggedy Ann. Source: Wikipedia.

The same month a patent was approved for the red-headed doll, Gruelle’s daughter died. After receiving a smallpox vaccine at school, administered by a school nurse, without consent of parents, Marcella died. Is this the forgotten story that is still around today? Similar reports have been made about the Covid vaccine. Sample One. Sample Two. Sample Three.

Digging deeper into Raggedy Ann’s past, I found some disturbing information.

In 1953, the Boston Evening American Newspaper published an article about a man named Douglas P Adams. Adams used a carving knife to kill both his wife and daughter. It was reported, the girl’s body was sprawled on the floor, and at her feet was a mystery novel, and sitting in the chair overlooking her slain body, was a life-size Raggedy Ann doll. Creepy details to be noted in a police report.

I also discovered that the creepy Annabelle doll that is featured in so many horror films, she was birthed from news reports of a Raggedy Ann doll said to be processed by a deceased seven-year-old named Annabelle Higgins. Later, a supposed well known paranormal expert determined said doll was not possessed by an Annabelle spirit, but that of a demon spirit.

No matter how you look at it, the sweet little rag doll loved by so many through the years; has something sinister and evil attached to her name. It is not supposed to be this way. Raggedy Ann was created to be loved and to share the message of love. After all, branded on her heart is the message, “I Love You.”

I believe God placed Raggedy Ann in my thoughts to wake me (us) up to this truth: As the force of evil wormed its way into an old rag doll, it is actively working to worm its way into the minds of our children.

We’ve always known that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. We know he preys on the weak and vulnerable, but now, he is becoming more aggressive. Schools have third graders reading murder mysteries, movie creators are making more twisted films, and children are confused about their identity. These are just a few of Satan’s plans to kill, steal, and destroy the young. We have much to be righteously angered over today.

Today’s culture wants a woke society. God wants an awakened society.

God wants us to wake up and become aware of what is happening around us. There are forces of evil that wants to strip us of every good gift God has given us–our children, our freedom, and the knowledge of God’s saving grace. The Bible says, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.” —Revelation 3:2

May we wake up to the sinister strategies of Satan and finish the race God has set before for us. Let’s save the children.

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” –2 Corinthians 10:4

Remember, that upon your heart, like that of Raggedy Ann’s, you have been branded with a message from God that says: I LOVE YOU!

Bobsled Train Dream

Bobsled Train Dream

I had the most wonderful dream last night. Around 1:00 am I woke, and no longer feeling sleepy, I got up out of bed and began praying. After praying, I spent a good deal of time reading God’s Word, and then when I did return to bed, I asked God to give me a dream. He did.

In the dream, Tom and I were at what seemed like his mother’s home. Both the house we were at and his mother’s home sit close to the road. I invited my friend over to talk. Within the short time it took her to arrive, many other people had come to the house too. It was as if a surprise party had been planned, one that I knew nothing of. With no way of being able to have a private conversation my friend in the crowded and noisy house, we decided to join the party.

Many of those present were folks I recognized, but there were some I didn’t know. There was a mixture of long-time believers, new believers, and non-believers. There was someone from Nigeria present and there was even a baby at the party. One young woman, whom I did not recognize, brought a black and white ceramic skull with her and set it on a shelf.

Supernatural things began happening all through the house, the first being, the teeth on the ceramic skull started chattering. Everyone saw and stood in awe and fear, including the girl who had brought the head.

Other signs and wonders were happening in the house. Whether we turned to the right or the left, there was something supernatural taking place for us to see. The people witnessing these happenings called their friends to come and see what was going on. My friend called her daughter to come.

When her daughter arrived, she created a stage for the puppets I’ve been building and the  puppets began super-naturally performing. No one was controlling their movements or speech. Everyone was amazed.

We heard a voice say, “Come with Me.”  I recognized the Voice as the Holy Spirit. We all followed and was led to a snowy area with, what I can only inadequately describe as, a bobsled train. It was a transport vehicle with no wheels or a track but, shaped like a bobsled with a smooth bottom and open top. The bobsled units were linked together as train cars, with each one having seating for two, one seat directly behind the other. We hopped on the bobsled/train, with crowds still waiting to board.

The train-like vessel took us on an upward climb, up a snowy mountain, ascending us into what appeared to be another realm.
We got off the bobsled type train and entered a structure with intricate beautiful detail. I sensed that I was the caretaker of this wonderful place, and that by word of mouth, people were coming from all over to see it..

Somewhere in this dream, though not sure at what point, I saw that the baby at the party had removed his dirty diaper. No one could find where the dirty diaper had been placed.

God does speak in dreams. He uses symbols that we understand to get points across to us. Though I have never claimed to be a prophetic dreamer, after unpacking what I believe the symbolisms represent in this dream, I hope this dream does come to pass.

Unpacking the dream.

Surprise Party – Synonym for surprise revelation.

House close to the road – Jesus is the road to our Heavenly Father. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 We are to remain close to Jesus.

Party Goers – Long-time believers, new believers, non-believers, a Satan worshipper, and a baby. The invitation to celebration Jesus is given to everyone.

The Surprise – The Glory of the Lord showed up performing signs and wonders, and all were in fear and awe, including the Satan worshipper.

Result – When the Glory of the Lord is revealed, people see Jesus.

The Puppets – Though I am making puppets to incorporate into the Immanuel Quilt Ministry, I feel like here, there could be a deeper meaning. How many times in the last several months have we heard the news media talking about the puppet show going on in government, that there is someone behind the scenes pulling the puppets strings. In my dream, the puppets supernaturally came alive. Could it be that God is going to supernaturally cut the strings of evil puppeteers controlling speech and behavior? Could it be that people will watch in shock and awe and turn to the Lord?

The Voice – The Voice of the Holy Spirit said, “Come with Me.” Jesus has been saying the same for many years.

Train-like bobsled – It took us on an upward climb, up a snowy mountain, into another realm. Bobsleds don’t go up, they go down. We were supernaturally transported to a higher place.

Snow – In the Bible snow is considered a symbol of cleansing. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”

The ornate structure in the Heavenly realm – the Dwelling Place of God. Why would I have sensed that I was the overseer of the structure? Because, God dwells not just – in Heaven, but in the hearts of believers. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Every believer has the responsibility to take care of the Temple of God within us. How?  By confessing our sins. (John 1:19)

Removal of baby’s dirty diaper.  Psalm 103:11-12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

Dirty Diaper – Sin

Snow – God takes away our and makes as white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18)

Diaper Can’t be Found – When our sins our washed away by the blood of Christ, He remembers them no more. (Hebrews 10:17)

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD…Arise, shine for your Light has come and the Glory of the Lord rises upon you. (Habakkuk 2:24, Isaiah 60:1)

Barefoot and Braless

Barefoot and Braless

​Barefoot and Braless outlines a dream I had on the night of December 12. I hope you will be encouraged by its metaphorical message.

The Dream

My son, Ty, called and asked if I would want to come and watch their three kids while he, and his wife, Tina, did work from home. This is not something out of the norm. On occasion Ty will call and ask if I can do this, and as a proud grandma, I am happy to oblige. So, in my dream, I got in my car and headed to his house on what was an overcast, cloudy, day. Half-way to his home I realized something shockingly bazaar. I was barefoot and braless!

A little farther down the road I decided on a whim, to not go to my son’s home, but rather, to take a drive. I, the girl with a fear of traveling had chosen to go off a familiar route for a road I’d never traveled; Alone, barefoot, and–braless.

My journey took me into a quaint town where the storefronts were ever so inviting, I decided to go shopping. Yes, shopping. Barefoot and braless.

The stores must not have had any postings about shoes needing to be worn to enter the establishments. Throughout the afternoon I freely went in and out of the stores, not once getting kicked out for being, you said it, barefoot, and braless.

Located in a dip at the middle of the town was a quilt shop. I entered the shop and while there time slipped away from me as I shared with some folks the story of the Immanuel Quilt. By the time I left the shop, the day had turned to night.

Not wanting Tom to worry about me (I do have an eye issue in which I am not supposed to drive at night), I reached for my phone to call him. I was going to tell him that I would just stay the night at the Cornerstone Inn at the outskirts of town. But, when I reached for my phone, I didn’t have it. I had been out all day barefoot, braless, and phoneless!

No problem, I would call Tom from the Inn. But first I needed to walk a little farther, in the darkness, and up a hill–barefoot and braless.

Focused on the Cornerstone, without worry, I tread through the darkness and up the hill. Once I hit the crest, the sun was brightly shining.

I woke from my dream barefoot and…

I asked God what this dream was about. Immediately, “Freedom,” was whispered into my thoughts.

There is perhaps nothing that expresses freedom more to women than the stripping of brassieres and shoes after a long day. Jesus says, “Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:30 Msg)

In what started out as a normal, routine, and familiar activity, going to watch my grandkids, turned into a trip outside my sphere of norm and a journey into something new. As the Ruler of all things, God says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19)

More and more we see things outside the box of what we used to call normal. I think we can agree that we have seemingly been wandering in a wilderness since the onset of Covid. God is wanting us to step outside our comfort zones, outside of spheres of norm, and journey with Him to new places. In freedom.

For months businesses have been posting mandate requirements on the wearing of masks. However, in my dream, I freely went into store after store, not once being asked to leave for not being appropriately covered.

Barefoot and braless, a symbol of living freely and lightly. Walking out of the quilt store into a dip of darkness, I was reminded of Psalm 23:4 “Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil for God is with us.” Here the Bible tells us that the valley of the shadow of death—is evil.

Friend, if you have confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you need not fear the evil. Eternal life awaits you!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. —John 3:16

Yes, Barefoot and Braless, it was a dream about freedom. Jesus climbed the Calvary Mountain to free us from sin and the shadow of death. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. (John 8:36)

Keep the faith. Just a little bit farther, up the hill, the SON is shining!


“For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.
And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.” —Malachi 4:2
