Path and Purpose

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him. -Psalm 37:23

Hi! I’m Joni; Maker, Author, and Storyteller of The Immanuel Quilt.

One night in a dream, God spoke to me. He told me to make a quilt representing Names of Jesus and use it to begin a traveling ministry.

I have a fear of traveling.

To say that I had doubts, fears, and reservations about accepting the assignment is an understatement, yet, I was shown that God has been preparing me for this role for a very long time.


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Joni Wolf

Author , Speaker, Storyteller


Set Up to Be Set Apart

When I was four-years-old, my family moved from Indiana to Colorado, away from all family and everything familiar. Aunt Virgie began sending me recordings of herself reading Bible stories. In exchange for her gift, Dad would record me telling stories–then send them to her. And thus, a seed was planted…a seed that would grow into me becoming a storyteller who tells about Jesus.

Before turning five, my family had returned to Indiana and we were living with my grandmother. I was Grandma’s shadow and followed her everywhere. Every week she took me with her to the Ladies Aid  meetings held at the church not far from her home. These ladies would meet for a full day of quilting!

Grandma, (in the red shoes), with her quilting friends.

They would give me a needle to pull up and down through the layers of fabric. Though my stitches didn’t look anything like Grandma’s  or those of her friends, my lack of skills didn’t prevent them from letting me participate in the making of a beautiful quilt. And so it was, that at the age of five–I was introduced to quilting.

By the age of six, I knew my favorite hymns. Sundays was for going to church with Grandma. Sitting alongside her on the wooden pew, I would listen to the hymns. My favorites quickly became In the Garden, Trust and Obey, and I Love to Tell the Story.  I was mesmerized by phrases such as He walks with me; He talks with me; What He says, I will do; Where He sends I will go; and to Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

From my earliest years, God was setting me, to be set apart, to tell the greatest story ever told– His Story in a unique quilt.

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I Love to Tell the Story!


Married to My High School Sweetheart

Tom and I have been married over forty years. For our 30th Wedding Anniversary I surprised Tom by gifting him a song. I had written out the story of how we got together, connected with a singer/songwriter duo, and they agreed to put our story to song. Life of Love was presented to Tom and he couldn’t have been more surprised.

We live on the west side of Indianapolis and have two married sons, and six grandchildren.

I call myself a happy wife, grateful mom, proud grandmother, enthusiastic storyteller, novice quilter, compulsive researcher, vivid dreamer, incompetent blogger, creative crafter, budding puppet builder, nervous traveler, and gingerbread collector.

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